The Online Edition of Britten’s Performance Annotations was made possible through the generous support of The Britten-Pears Foundation, which provided invaluable help, advice and encouragement to realise this initiative between October 2009 and July 2018. Further support was offered by Birmingham Conservatoire and by the Collaborative Doctorate programme of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through funding awarded to the project.
Professor Peter Johnson at Birmingham Conservatoire offered extensive advice, guidance and steer throughout the project. Special thanks are also due to Prof. Michael Harris, as co-collaborator he was one of the first to realise the significance of Britten’s annotated Mozart scores after their initial discovery. Staff at The Britten-Pears Library in Aldeburgh also offered considerable assistance. A huge amount of gratitude is due in particular to Dr Lucy Walker, Dr Nick Clark and Dr Chris Grogan. Christine Quentin and Katharina Malecki of the Bärenreiter-Verlag also deserve particular credit for giving permission to use the photographed scores.